Outsourced HR Retainer Service

aible’s HR Retainer Service guarantees you expert advice and support when you need it.


The Remote Retainer Service starts at only £90 per hour and can include support such as:

Every business is different though, so I can put together a package to suit you.


You have peace of mind knowing you have your own HR expert at the end of a phone whenever you need it. You can easily get an answer to all those niggling little questions before they become irksome problems. And if a larger issue does crop up, you’ll get immediate advice in dealing with it.

An ongoing relationship with you means I get to understand your business and how it works. Any advice or support can be perfectly tailored to you.

You pay a fixed price monthly fee for unlimited remote support. I can supply ad hoc HR support, but costs can be substantially higher or lower than initially estimated depending on the nature of the issue and how the situation changes. This can make it difficult for you to budget.

It’s not always easy to remain objective when working with people day in and day out. People make an emotional investment in their business or workplace and can make assumptions as to what has happened and why. I don’t have that emotional attachment and can take an objective view.

You gain confidence in dealing positively with any employee issue that comes up. If you leave it to the point where the relationship is broken down it can be almost impossible to retrieve.

The better you support your staff the more you will be rewarded. There will be fewer sick days, lower staff turnover and greater productivity. Most of all, your business will be a happy place where your employees want to come to work.

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